Friday, April 9, 2010

I just have SO MUCH to say!!

So, here I am ~ AGAIN ~ blogging my little heart out!  I guess this blog has been a long time coming ... I just finally got the inspiration to do it.  My "Learn By Doing Life" began about 9 year ago when Tommy and I decided to start a family.  Boy, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into, that's for sure!!  We got pregnant fairly easily, and that is where the "easy" ends.  At 12 weeks I had an ultrasound only to be told there was no heartbeat, the fetus made it to about 10 weeks, and I would have to have a D and C (didn't even know what that was).  Devastation quickly set in.  We tried and tried again, only to have another miscarriage about 6 months later.  It then took another 9 months to have a successful pregnancy.  Successful yes ~ easy NO!  I was on pins and needles throughout the entire pregnancy.  At 28 weeks I was put on bedrest for premature contractions ... "Here we go again!" I thought!  But the bedrest was successful and our first baby boy was born at 5:12 pm on Sunday, April 27th, weighing a healthy 8 lbs. 9 oz.  At first all went well, and then he became fussy!  And I'm not talking a little fussy, but "drive you insane, what on earth is wrong with this baby" fussy!!  From that point on it was a challenge.  He wouldn't sleep in his own bed and he just was more challenging than other babies his age.  In my heart, I knew there was more to it all.  When Dash was 3 we pursued the possibility of ADHD.  That opened a can of worms that we never expected!!  On our first visit to the neurologist we were told that Dash was Autistic, had oppositional defiance disorder, and severe ADHD.  Next we moved on to a pediatric psychiatrist who prescribed medication for ADHD.  The medication did nothing.  In the meantime, I pursued assessment through our county's Preschool Intervention Program.  He barely qualified and began receiving minimal services.  Once they began working with Dash, they too knew there was something more.  A visit to another neurologist proved more fruitful.  Dash was put on Abilify and we began to finally see some improvement and progress!  There was still more help needed and we had been refused services through our local regional center, TWICE.  I tried yet another avenue and got Dash in to see a pediatric psychiatrist at UC Davis Medical Center.  WE STRUCK GOLD!  Dash's new doctor was not only informative but helpful!  We are now awaiting assessment through the UC Davis MIND Institute which is HUGE!!!  Hoping that Dash can return to general ed next year in second grade with a one on one aide.  He's been in Special Day Class for the past year and a half.

I'm slowly discovering my purpose to all this craziness.  I am another voice of autism.  I am another advocate for the autistic, misunderstood child.  I am the educator of the uneducated.  I have become a better person because of Dash.  I'm a better mom, a better friend, and a better teacher.  Dash was brought into my life for innumerable reasons.  I love him more and more with every passing day.  He is my sunshine on a rainy day, my light in the darkness, the warmth in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are blogging about your journey!!! I think it will help you and many others
